Our Creed

Belief in La IlahaIllal-Allah Muhammad-ur-Rasul-Allah shall be the basic creed of the ICT i.e. there is no God but Allah, Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.
a) The first part of the creed, “There is no god but Allah” shall be understood to mean that Allah alone is the Creator, the Sustainer, and Master of everything in heavens and on earth. He alone is the Fountain head of all laws, spiritual and temporal. None else shares with Him in anything in any way. Therefore, there is no deity except him and non-deserve to be worshiped except Him.
b) The second part of this creed, “Muhammad (ﷺ) is the Messenger of Allah” means that, as the last Prophet, he was appointed to set the perfect example to mankind. No one deserves to be followed except him. We believe everything which he commanded, acted, and approved.
c) The love and respect for all companions of the Prophet (Sahabah)